Zangooes and Xatu's Story Story times!

 Hiddy Hiddy ho!!!! I'm Zangooes! Today where going to talk about what not to do when a big anger man waving a gun in your face!X3

So here's what you do.....

First: never get him more madder then he already is!

Second: Don't do any thing stupid even though you want to.

3: everything you need to know.


B-but what bout if he hits you with the Gun?


0.0.... That can't be a voided... Trust me, I should know! 83 Minun sir hits  with his gun everyday! ^.^

That nothing to be proud off. He could give you brain da-

you know what? I'm just going to stop here.....

So I guess thats it!

What are you guys doing?




Well'p I guess thats it! Bye-bye U!!!!!!